"I thought it very effectively helped me reflect on my professional practice. I was able to identify what I felt problem areas were, as opposed to having someone else tell me what I needed to be doing. Not that there is a problem with that approach, but it is more authentic if it comes from me. It brought things to the surface that I might have been aware of, but had not thought through" - From a colleague after a mentoring session
"I would love to use this in class. Since I see how it can be effective in a business environment, why not in a classroom environment as well? It would also be good for my relationships with students, I am sure."- From a teacher after seeing how the chat cards work in a professional mentoring session
" I feel that these cards would be very useful in the development of second languages. I would definitely use them in any level of a second languages classroom."- From a high school Spanish teacher
"When Laurel invited me to choose a card from her deck of cards, I
was drawn to the beautiful photo of a sunflower. Sunflowers are known to
track the sun and I chose it as a reminder to always face the sun and look
to the brighter side. The card has found its home on my vision board where
I can see it, and be reminded of its message, daily."- coach student
"I loved the activity of choosing a card at the end of our class. It gave us something to remember the class by as well as the people we had shared the experience with. It was really interesting hearing why other people chose the cards they did - everyone went for something different, and everyone had a story about why they had chosen that particular card! For example, someone picked up a card with an image of an old typewriter on it, as they had done a lot of writing when they were younger, and it reminded them of the passion they had for writing. It was very moving to hear this person talk about her old passion, and have that connection with something she had loved to do. It's a really cool way to get a glimpse of someone's life in a fun and informal setting, and I would recommend the activity as a great ice-breaker!" - Claire Jones
"I picked this card because I love seeing the sun rise and set, and because this card reminded me of hope. The idea that every day a new day dawns and we get to start over or try again - we're given that opportunity every day. It's a beautiful picture, and I have it on my wall so I see it every morning and have that reminder that whatever happens, the sun will be there again tomorrow."
- Coaching Student
“I loved many of your cards but this one really attracted my attention mostly because of the spark in the tree. For me, it represented a “spark of hope”, exactly what I needed the day I chose it and at this time in my life. I also love the fact that the card is mixing light and darkness, the fine balance between both is also something that really resonates with me. Peace, quiet and mystery and some other words that come to mind when I look at it.” - Coaching Student