High School Students enjoy the chat cards!
/"Its important to make career choices based on what we value in life" stated the Trades Training Initiative CTS Instructor. So he asked the high school students to pick a card that expressed what they valued and share it with the rest of the class. They were able to have some great engaging discussion around their values and possible career choices in the trades.
The Jr/Sr High School Librarian & English teacher used the Start-A-Conversation cards with an interesting goal at the start of the school year. They had their students choose 1-2 cards and facilitated discussion among the small groups. Their goal was to help the students discover some of their interests and values, which in turn would help them pick some books that they would enjoy reading. The Librarian was able to make title suggestions based on the responses of the students. A great way to individualize a reading list for the students and help them develop a love for reading.